torsdag 25. august 2011

Adobe course: on wednesday week 2

We will have the data courses on wednesday 31th of August, at the departments computer room.
The courses in InDesign, Acrobat, PhotoShop and Illustrator will all be given on this day, with emphasize on InDesign and Illustrator, more a few clues regarding PhotoShop and Acrobat. I'll start with InDesign, so that you that know that from before can come at 11:15 instead of 9:15.

It is important that you see these short videos I post beforehand:
Below I list those regarding PS and Acrobat.
PS-these tips are on non-destructive photo editing
Thorough introduction to adjustment layers

Acrobat-how to manipulate a PDF effectively in Acrobat
Introduction, how to combine files to one file with as little mess as possible, how to watermark you file(adding a text that cannot be removed), how to export to Office formats like word, and finally, how to change text, fonts, move elements etc in a PDF. Can be good to know at the print shop, or if all you have  to start with is a PDF..we will also look at view settings and the camera tool.

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