tirsdag 6. desember 2011

Final projects

Finally! The final projects have been completed, in the shape of six websites. The class has been working with two sites near the Chinese city of Xi'an. Although the two sites are extremely different they both have in common that they are localized around a metro stop on the newly opened metro line. The assignment text can be found in the previous post.

The Daminggong split up in two different groups with two different concepts for the site.

Dragon, by Veslemøy Grindvik, Alexandra Klein and Aprigio Chavez
Beiguan hybrid, by Anette Rudshaug, Fatima Farran, Moritz Kerschbaum

South Weiqu:
The South Weiqu team worked more individually, but all the projects are more or less related to one main concept or idea called "over//under". They are collected here. And to make things simple, her are the individual links:

Flow city, by Line Myrenget and Marie Sætre
The layer project, by Julien Papaud
The Upperworld, by Helder Matos
The Underworld, by Tarjei Zakarias Ekelund

mandag 21. november 2011

Tomorrow´s run-through

Regarding tomorrow´s (tuesday) pin-up: Ole will join us at 13.30 for a run-through similar to the one we had the last time, followed by individual guidance the rest of the day (and wednesday if necessary).

tirsdag 1. november 2011

Economy lecture / Flash course part 2

Quick update:

  • The economy course held by Svein Bjørberg can now be found in the literature column to the right.
  • Because of the delay last thursday the third and last part of the Adobe Flash course - the important and very cool part where we start designing our websites - will be held tomorrow, wednesday 2nd, at 09.15 sharp. We'll do it in our studio the same way as last time. This is also a good time for questions, so I hope you'll all spend a little time in Flash on your own before we meet. Try out the different tools and try to get used to using the animation timeline. It's all about the training. If you run into problems that you're not able to figure out yourself, write it down and we'll go through it tomorrow. All questions are good questions. :-)

lørdag 29. oktober 2011

Design project critique - thrusday 27th of october

Thursday the 27th of October the different groups presented the current statuses of their design projects.

The class is now split between two different sites which both are related to metro stations on the newly opened metro line: South Weiqu and Daminggong West.

The students working near the Daminggong West station have split up in two groups and are developing two different concepts for a complex building that connects to the metro station:

  • Dragon, by Veslemøy Grindvik, Alexandra Klein and Aprigio Chavez
  • Unnamed project investigating complexity and density, by Mortiz Kerschbaum, Fatima Farran and Anette Rudshaug

The students working on the South Weiqu station are working separately, but with a main concept (temporarily named "The Pancake") for the site connecting them loosely - similar to a think tank:

Anthropology- and travel presentations in Xi'an

During our stay in Xi'an we presented three short anthropological studies conducted in Trondheim. The theme was "Gates and Thresholds":

We also made presentations of our first week in China. We split up in four groups and travelled from three different cities (Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong) towards Xi'an:

onsdag 28. september 2011

Presentations: The two sites

These presentations were made to share the information between the north station and the south station (the two projects sites) teams as we are moving into the design project.

SUMMARY: Introduction to the design project (a transportation hub) by Ole Møystad

28.09.2011: Ole summarized his visit to Beijing. There are possibilities of future collaborations with several Beijing universities and research institutions. Two topics have been highlighted as particularly interesting: Heritage and transportation hubs. This makes the Metamorfose course in Xi’an extremely relevant.

On hubs: There are different ways of attacking the problem (of designing the hub) - different scales/levels. Which level is relevant for us? Based on today’s situation a smaller scale than planned will perhaps be interesting. The project moves from planning/urban design towards complex hybrid buildings…

Transportation hub: Taxis, trains, metros, buses etc. in China don’t match – different people are working on the logistics, and they don’t work together. As an effect, few transportation nodes are being made. Could our project be a way of showing off how the different methods of transportation can be linked together, and use this as the starting point for a monster building/complex building/hybrid building? Said differently: One OBJECT that takes care of transportation, shopping, administration etc. as a start of a new.. village? Maybe?

Remark on maps: Chinese people don’t relate to map the same way as in Europe. Maybe they relate to events? “Go to the café and turn left”. This is interesting seeing as transportation hubs are a lot about orientation. How can I lead people easily from for instance bus to metro?

(Moritz will fill in with a PDF on hybrid buildings ASAP)

Down-up planning: From the big picture to the details (top-down) is a very efficient way of working, but what if the project was down-up? A local initiative? User based? For instance Svartlamoen. In China down-up processes are different in in Norway. In China huge development projects by real estate firms are down-up.

In Norway: Who would be the client for such a project? Speculation: Maybe it’s easier to find a client in China?

Wise words by Alex: “Take use of anthropology in the design! A grocery store and a noodle shop won’t talk to eachother…”

The practical information given is summarized in this PDF. This includes Chinese phone numbers!

fredag 9. september 2011

Charrette: Havnegata, Brattøra

Here are the five groups' presentations from a three week long charrette focusing on Havnegata (Brattøra) and its context:

tirsdag 6. september 2011

PDFs: "Architecture is a verb" & "Collage and communcation"

Here you can download the PDFs for Ole's two lectures: "Architecture is a verb" and  "Collage and communcation". You can also find them in the AAR4540-folder on Torget.

Their sizes are 28 and 13 MB respectively, so you might have to be a little patient.


torsdag 25. august 2011

More videos for you to watch

Here are the videos on InDesign.

In addition, we are going to work with lines, fills, look more into masters, and printing and preflight.

Adobe course: on wednesday week 2

We will have the data courses on wednesday 31th of August, at the departments computer room.
The courses in InDesign, Acrobat, PhotoShop and Illustrator will all be given on this day, with emphasize on InDesign and Illustrator, more a few clues regarding PhotoShop and Acrobat. I'll start with InDesign, so that you that know that from before can come at 11:15 instead of 9:15.

It is important that you see these short videos I post beforehand:
Below I list those regarding PS and Acrobat.
PS-these tips are on non-destructive photo editing
Thorough introduction to adjustment layers

Acrobat-how to manipulate a PDF effectively in Acrobat
Introduction, how to combine files to one file with as little mess as possible, how to watermark you file(adding a text that cannot be removed), how to export to Office formats like word, and finally, how to change text, fonts, move elements etc in a PDF. Can be good to know at the print shop, or if all you have  to start with is a PDF..we will also look at view settings and the camera tool.

Links from tuesday

Oracle services:

How to forward mails from webmail:Log in, choose the "filter" symbol, choose forward, and write in you e-mail address

Servers you can connect to using "map network drive", having VPN:
 Shared folder for the calss-when IT opens it up-
Public folder, on the www
Here, the adress for the files will be
With VPN, you also have access to this www dictionary: ordnett.no

Gmail calendar:
Large format: 
https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/ntnu.metamorfose%40gmail.com/public/basicICAL https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ntnu.metamorfose%40gmail.com/public/basic.icsCalendar-ID:ntnu.metamorfose@gmail.com

tirsdag 23. august 2011

Vector maps (or not - that is the question)

Seeing as the maps on Trondheim Kommune (available here by the way) can't be exported to anything else than bitmap graphics (greedy bastards) I've created vector maps of Havnegata/Brattøra in the scales of 1:10000 and 1.2500. I'll upload them to Torget as soon as we get access, until then you can send me a mail on tarjei.ekelund@gmail.com and I'll mail them to you. I'll also mail you the bitmap from Trondheim Kommune if you want them and you're having problems doing it yourself. There's one, sad reason for why you might want to use them and not the vectors:

Unfortunately, NTNUs most updated map data are from 2009, which means a lot's lacking from the maps. The new bridge right next to our hub, for instance, as well as the roundabout leading to the bridge and some other details, aren't drawn. If anyone could be bothered to draw them in Illustrator that would be awesome (it's one heck of a job and I won't do it unless someone pays me a lot of chocolate!) - if not I guess we'll have to stick to bitmap underlays for now. Hurrah.


presentation yesterday

By vice dean and professor Fredrik Shetelig

Site visit

Here is our site: the hub

fredag 19. august 2011


We will all meet in the reception of Abels gt. 5 at 10:00. See map below.
Looking forward to meeting you all!

onsdag 17. august 2011

Location: Abels gt. 5

All classes, unless other location is given, will be held here: 
google maps: Abels gate 5
This is also your workspace.

lørdag 7. mai 2011

Metamorfose fall 2011 in Xian

The project course (15cr), as well as its knowledge module (7,5) is based on the research and the courses that have been given at the Metamorfose Centre at the Institute of Architecture, Design and Management for the last ten years.
The link to XIAN is based on our faculty’s 20 years of collaboration with the University of Xian, and our course will be supported by the Chinese staff at the NTNU office in XIAN as well as by professors of XIAN University.
The antropology course (7,5 cr) has been given by Lisbet Sauarlia every fall for many years. It will have Chinese students as well as NTNY students, and serve as an introduction to China and Chinese culture as well as a chance to meet and to work with Chinese students.

Our course package:

Metamorfose studio  AAR4540  15 cr instructor OM/OS

Metamorfose knowledge      AAR4851 7,5 cr instructors OS/OM/SB

Architecture and Anthropology AAR4804 7,5 cr (SL)

AAR4540 The studio course is based on the structure and topics that we have been developing over the last ten years at Metamorfose: project development/densification around public transportation
The semester will start with a 3 week charrette on a new hub in Trondheim; starting with a quick survey, analysis, concept, sketch project and presentation.
After warming up in Trondheim, we’ll leave for China. In Xian we’ll be introduced to the new extensions of the metro system and the new hubs that are about to be created around the old imperial capital, now about be surrounded by the growing city. One or more of these hubs will be selected as sites for the project that will be developed through the rest of the semester.
Emphasis will be given to developing architectural concepts based on an understanding of urban context as well as of the cultural and economic dynamics that drive urban change and project development.  Students will be trained in- and expected to do brainstorms, and to quickly come up with concepts, to illustrate, present and communicate them.

The final projects will be submitted in the format of a website. Check earlier years in the blog post below.

Questions to Ole Møystad: ole.moystad@ntnu.no
or to Oline Stendebakken: oline.stendebakken@ntnu.no

AAR4851 This mandatory course will offer introductions to three basic areas of knowledge related to real estate and project development. The three parts will be:
I) tools and methods of communication – softwares such as sketch-up, adobe platform, including flash, dreamweaver, premier-pro will be used. Necessary training will be given. (Oline)
II) location, context and change – tactics and strategies of real estate and project-driven urban development. (Ole)
III) economy, cost estimation and budget – introduction to the basics of the economical dynamics of project development and management. (Svein)


AA4804 Architecture and Anthropolgy will based on the experience of earlier years and adapted to the Metamorfose course. The first part of the course will be given in Trondheim; introducing China and Xian as well as basic antroplogy. During the stay in XIAN there will be field trips, workshops, lectures and seminars together with the Chinese part of the class.
The program for the weeks in XIAN will be posted and filled in later.


Course instructors will be

Assistant professor Oline Stendebakken
Professor Ole Møystad
Adjunct professor Svein Bjørberg
Adjunct associate professor Lisbet Sauarlia

(who are we? Get in touch, or Google us!)

In addition to this professor emeritus Harald Høyem and a number of Chinese professors will be around during the period in Xian.

Course language: English
Course capacity: 20 students


This is the blog of Master course Metamorfose at NTNU.

Fall 2011, Metamorfose will work with infrastructure, hub and project in Xian, China.

For previous courses, please see these links:

Oslo, 2008

Lisbon, 2007

Lisbon 2006:  Blender, Onkel Alfama